Information for Students - booking system, weather interpretation, how to fly the circuit, navigation - its all here!

Information for Students - booking system, weather interpretation, how to fly the circuit, navigation - its all here!
Information for both Students and Licence Holders of The Sherwood Flying Club
This section is useful to both students and licenced members.
Take a look at these short, practical, articles regarding weather, R/T, briefings, carb fires, post flight checks and how to avoid airspace infringements.
This section contains manuals and documentation for the club and its aircraft. It also shows circuit diagrams and procedures for Nottingham Airport.
This topic is valuable to all members and includes background material that you'll find useful.
It contains information regarding Aircraft Systems, CAA Safety Information, and lots more!
A short refresher course covering Mass & Balance and Performance to be completed before members return to flying.
Practice Flight Planning and Performance Exam for students preparing for the LAPL/PPL Theoretical Knowledge Exams
Practice Air Law Exam for students preparing for the LAPL/PPL Theoretical Knowledge Exams
Practice Human Performance & Limitations Exam for students preparing for the LAPL/PPL Theoretical Knowledge Exams
Practice Communications Exam for students preparing for the LAPL/PPL Theoretical Knowledge Exams
Practice Operational Procedures Exam for students preparing for the LAPL/PPL Theoretical Knowledge Exams
Practice Meteorology Exam for students preparing for the LAPL/PPL Theoretical Knowledge Exams
Practice Principles of Flight Exam for students preparing for the LAPL/PPL Theoretical Knowledge Exams
Practice Aircraft General Knowledge Exam for students preparing for the LAPL/PPL Theoretical Knowledge Exams
Practice Navigation Exam for students preparing for the LAPL/PPL Theoretical Knowledge Exams
This area contains reference material for Sherwood Flight Instructors